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DMP Pitch

 Questions I asked: -Can you tell me a story about a time you experienced a Holy Saturday period in your life? -Were there any places you went to get clarity at that time--any places that, looking back, became holy ground to you? -Was there a lesson you feel you needed to learn during that time that is applicable to other Holy Saturdays moving forward? Link to interview Key moments to transcribe: -Talking about what happened as a result of the waiting period -Holy ground - the woods (similar to Emma's brother), looking for spaces of quiet, the temple -Lesson: not waiting around and doing nothing but being proactive and trying to do something, making a plan, consulting God Summary of Pitch: First, I found my husband's answer about holy grounds to be really interesting and could be a good contribution to the piece. He talked first about the temple being a place he went for clarity, then he talked about the woods for while (which is similar to Emma's brother's story), and...

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