DMP Pitch
Questions I asked:
-Can you tell me a story about a time you experienced a Holy Saturday period in your life?
-Were there any places you went to get clarity at that time--any places that, looking back, became holy ground to you?
-Was there a lesson you feel you needed to learn during that time that is applicable to other Holy Saturdays moving forward?
Link to interview
Key moments to transcribe:
-Talking about what happened as a result of the waiting period
-Holy ground - the woods (similar to Emma's brother), looking for spaces of quiet, the temple
-Lesson: not waiting around and doing nothing but being proactive and trying to do something, making a plan, consulting God
Summary of Pitch:
First, I found my husband's answer about holy grounds to be really interesting and could be a good contribution to the piece. He talked first about the temple being a place he went for clarity, then he talked about the woods for while (which is similar to Emma's brother's story), and then he ended on talking about how he sought after places that were quiet. I think that could add a really interesting contrast in the soundscape. I also think there's a lot of significance in the fact that, although coming to Utah was a limbo he didn't see much purpose in initially, it was actually the destination he needed most and was where God seemed to need him. The lesson that he feels he learned also creates some tension with the concept of "waiting" during limbo because Adam felt that passively waiting was not the right thing to do. Maybe we could explore the concept of active waiting during this time? What might that look like?
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