5 Tech Goals

 5 Tech Goals

Here are five of my tech goals after watching the Cult of Pedagogy webinar:


In one of the jobs I've had at BYU, I started learning how to do some website building on Wordpress and have used Blogspot at other various times. The advantages and opportunities websites boast will definitely be a helpful resource in my classroom. I want to continue practicing website construction on those two platforms.


This has been something I've been curious about for quite some time now. As someone who has dabbled in digital art, I've watched a lot of screen casted tutorials online and see more of my educators using this tool for class. I'd like to download screencast-o-matic and practice this skill. 


I know a couple tried-and-true tools, like Canva, but I want to explore more of the tools mentioned in this webinar so as to broaden my students' vision and expertise in what they can create. This is a hugely helpful skill in class and in the workplace!


One of my classes this semester actually uses a lot of flipped learning and I think it's great. I want to experiment with this in the future and see how I can maximize class time for higher-level learning activities. 


Of all the teaching things I'm trying to learn right now, assessment is maybe the one that intimidates me the most. If I can get some of these digital assessment tools in my toolbelt, I'll feel way more enabled to gauge my students' comprehension and pivot quickly and efficiently. 


  1. Hi Quinn! I really liked reading through your goals. You have covered a lot of ground in five short goals hahaha. I think that it is a really great idea to make a website. Would you make this website just for the class? What types of things would you put on the website? I am really curious about that idea! I also like how you talk about getting familiar with different ways of media visualization. That is super great that you already have a tool under your belt.


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